Sameera Reddy is the new babe from Bollywood who is making waves in Kollywood with her debut film Vaaranam Aayiram. Sameera has named as Mumbai’s Jennifer Lopez by her director Sanjay Gupta. Sameera Reddy has come a long way from the simple actress in her debut film to become the latest sex symbol of the Hindi film industry.Sameera Reddy was born on 14th December 1978 and will be 29 this December of 2007. She is the youngest sister of top models and VJs, Sushma and Meghna Reddy.Sameera’s is a trained Kathak dancer and she loves swimming, dancing and playing video games. She just cannot do without working out in the gym. Yoga is another one of her favorite activity and she absolutely hates fatty and fried foods.
Sameera Reddy first shot to fame with Pankaj Udhas’s music video Aahista. She did the video when she was in college. In the video she played a demure character, as opposed to her current sex symbol image. In her school days she was very fat and was teased a lot for that. But everything changed when she started working out. Nowadays she is called the Indian Jennifer Lopez.The film that brought a drastic change in her image was Musafir, directed by Sanjay Gupta. Musafir is still considered to be one of the hottest films in Bollywood. After that she got many offers but decided to take it slow and do only few, but good assignments.Sameera also did a couple of films down south, one of them with Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi. Both were huge hits.
Sameera Reddy is the only Bollywood actress who has a video game to her credit. Sameera, an ardent fan of video games, has been working on the game ‘Sam’s Mission’ for the last one year. In the game she is a princess who is trying to save her dad’s kingdom from enemies.Recent gossip in the Indian press has revealed that actress Sameera Reddy is involved with Cricketer Ishant Sharma.Some reports have stated that Sameera has been dating the young player for some time now. “Sameera and Ishant happened to meet during some of the recently held IPL matches. They have hit off very well. Sameera and Ishant are more than just good friends. They are slowly getting serious about each other.”
Sameera Reddy first shot to fame with Pankaj Udhas’s music video Aahista. She did the video when she was in college. In the video she played a demure character, as opposed to her current sex symbol image. In her school days she was very fat and was teased a lot for that. But everything changed when she started working out. Nowadays she is called the Indian Jennifer Lopez.The film that brought a drastic change in her image was Musafir, directed by Sanjay Gupta. Musafir is still considered to be one of the hottest films in Bollywood. After that she got many offers but decided to take it slow and do only few, but good assignments.Sameera also did a couple of films down south, one of them with Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi. Both were huge hits.
Sameera Reddy is the only Bollywood actress who has a video game to her credit. Sameera, an ardent fan of video games, has been working on the game ‘Sam’s Mission’ for the last one year. In the game she is a princess who is trying to save her dad’s kingdom from enemies.Recent gossip in the Indian press has revealed that actress Sameera Reddy is involved with Cricketer Ishant Sharma.Some reports have stated that Sameera has been dating the young player for some time now. “Sameera and Ishant happened to meet during some of the recently held IPL matches. They have hit off very well. Sameera and Ishant are more than just good friends. They are slowly getting serious about each other.”
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you are too hot
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