Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Generally people evaluate one another using the Three V’s: VISUAL( appearance ), VOCAL (voice ) and VERBAL ( what you say). About 93 percent of a person’s communication effectiveness is determined by non verbal communication. According to study conducted by University of Toledo psychology professor, concluded that the first 30 seconds make or break the connection between two people when they meet for the first time. So the next time you’re on an interview, the interviewer may be drawing conclusions about you before you’ve even gotten to the real interview.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


It has been proven that polite, positive, informed letters work. They are easy,inexpensive and powerful. Here are some suggestions:
· Make your letter personal. Tell why you care about this issue.
· Say that you are writing in support of the local communities and organizations that are working to protect the environment.
· Include the specific points that are listed in the action.
· The addresses on your action are of equal importance. A brief, polite letter to each targeted official is more effective than a long letter to just one.
· Stick to the facts. One inaccurate statement, accusation, or innuendo can invalidate an otherwise excellent letter.
· Avoid political or ideological issues unless specifically recommended.
· Keep copies of responses you receive. In our Action Status we update past cases and often issue “follow-up actions” on ongoing concerns.

Friday, September 26, 2008


1. Customer : My coffee has a fly in it !
Waiter : What else do you expect for 3 rupees, a snake ?

2. Judge : Judge banged on his desk calling "order, order."
Witness : Witness immediately responded, "Two Samossas and a cup of tea please."

3. Patient : I have problem in Breathing doctor .....
Doctor : Don't worry, I shall stop it !!!

4. Teacher : Tell me how many of you wish to go to Heaven ?
Student : Not me miss. Mummy asked me to come home straight after school....

5. Teacher : Name two Amphibians
Student : A Frog, sir
Teacher : Good, now the second one ??
Student : Another Frog, sir !!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


A Structures, Prepared and Speech based means of Communicating information, ideas or arguments to a group of interested people in order to inform or persuade them. No presentation will achieve its desire level of success unless the presenter gets the audience to:

1. HEAR what we have to say
2. UNDERSTAND what we mean
3. AGREE with what they have heard
4. TAKE ACTION in accordance with our over all objectives.

It is important to make your presentation last in the audience’s mind because people will forget:
38% in 2days, 65% in 8 days, 75% in 30 days.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Tension has so many aftereffects…find out how…….

The moment we are in “TENSION”
We will lose our “ATTENTION”
Then we are in total “CONFUSION” and feel “IRRITATION”
Then we may spoil our personal “RELATION”
Ultimately we wont get “CO-OPERATION”
Then we will find things in “COMPLICATION”
Then our BP may also rise to “CAUTION”
And we may have to take “MEDICATION”
Instead lets understand the “SITUATION”
And try to think about a “SOLUTION”
Many problems can be solved by “DISCUSSION”
Which will work better in our “PROFESSION”
Don’t think its my free “SUGGESTION”
It is only for our “PREVENTION”
If you understand my “INTENTION”
U will never come again to “TENSION”,,,

Saturday, September 6, 2008


This is how one of a student sees a teacher:
The gifted one who is an antidote to the disease of ignorance. The teacher is the florist who gathers a variety of blossoms scattered all over, and strings them into a garland for the student’s heart. The teacher is the maestro who composes and sings the morning tune for the arousal of knowledge. The primary teacher is like the industrial worker going down to fetch up the ore. The high school teacher is he who separates the fibre of gold from the earth. The college teacher is the artisan who shapes the noble metal into a sparkling ornament. We almost spend one fifth of our lifetime under the care of the teacher. Should we not then put into practice all of that he taught us? The nerves in the body circulate life. Likewise circulation of knowledge is ensured by the master-nerve that is the teacher. The moon reflects and receives the light of the sun which is a star, but the moon still remains a planet. The student is different although he gets the light of knowledge from the teacher much as the moon does, he himself blossoms in process of time into a sun in his own right.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


In recent times,heart diseases and diabetics are most common. Every other person is getting these in their middle ages and as everyone knows are hereditary in few cases. What if such persons are told that there is a easier way to reduce their risk factors of getting such diseases? Yes there is a good news for them…according to a new study it has been found that eating a small amount of dark chocolates every day for just two weeks are enough to cut high blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes,both major risk factors in heart attacks and strokes. But scientists have stressed that only dark chocolates.made from cocoa rich in natural ingredient flavanols,is good for the heart. In tests on 19 people,one half who ate just over 6grams a day over 15days showed significant falls in blood pressure. But half given white chocolates showed no results. Those on dark chocolates showed a significant decline from a high 142/90mm Hg to 137/87mm Hg. So those who read this please spread this valuable message and chocoholics now have a justified reason to carry on eating their favorites…

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Mr.Barrack Obama,the Democratic Presidential candidate of the U.S,as everyone knows, is one of the best and a gifted orator in the world. He has inculcated moral values and beliefs through the extraordinary diction,voice and modulation of his speeches. He is benign and also has a refreshingly austere personality by which he had won many people’s respect. But inspite of all these, analysis on his face values rather gives a very bizarre views upon him. In many a situations,Obama is sported having a stern look and sometimes having a doubtful face; he smiles only occasionally. The report says that this appearance of his,might seem to people that he is not confident of himself which is actually not the case. He has all the skills to do what he had vouched to do,but this fact might deter that and show it as pretentious. This implies that face values matter a lot,albeit we have great attitudes. So put up that beautiful smile of yours and be pleasant to whoever addresses you. This will improve your personality attached with a great fan following…..:)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The meaning of the word ‘Om Shanthi’ and its importance was said in a spiritual disclosure. I have given here the extract of it….
The word ‘Om Shanthi’ has three meanings in it. First, we all are peaceful souls. Secondly, we all are children of Supreme God. Third, this world is a temporary living place for souls. When we are tense,we want to reveal that tension somehow. For that we must add letter ‘A’ in front of the word tension,it becomes atension,so we will be careful in each thing that we do. If we do that it makes us and others happy and the tension goes away. Even though we don’t have any wordly relations, we all are children of God in soul. A human loves a person when he gets something from others. Like that we must have love and be thankful to God for what we had received and are getting. If you ask anyone what do you want, they will request for peace,love,power and happiness. A human can give upto a limit,but if we can achieve it through deep meditation with our Lord and all our problems will be solved ..